Praxis Workshop: Software Engineering for Connected Vehicle Platforms
Connecting vehicles of all kinds (passenger car, truck, trailer, agricultural machinery, construction machinery) with the Internet and thus making them part of the Internet-of-Things is one of the major trends in the industry.Once connected, an abundance of new use cases can be implemented, including
- Crash Detection and Emergency Services
- Remote Lock / Unlock
- Vehicle Location Detection, Parking Location Detection
- Social Media, Cloud Integration
- Remote Diagnostics and Vehicle Status Monitoring
- Firmware Update Over-the-air
- Software function selling Over-the-air
- Predictive and Preventive Maintenance

The connectivity eco system is typically composed of a connectivity device built into the vehicle, which enables 3G/4G or WiFi connectivity as well as CAN/Broad-R-Reach connectivity to the vehicle. In addition to that, it enables locating functionality like GPS, GLONASS, and a portal and central service infrastructure which supplies software services to the vehicles but also collects data from vehicles for central analysis and logistics control.

The workshop focusses on the development of functionality within this vehicle connectivity eco system and includes three phases:
Phase 1 (self-study):
Studying and understanding the architecture of the eco system, including the setup of the corresponding development environment and the
study of relevant APIs and services for the later development of new functionality.
Phase 2 (team work):
Implementing new connected vehicle functionality into the eco system, either on the vehicle or on the portal/infrastructure side. The
functionality is to be developed in teams of 2 or 3. The team work will be a three-day on-site activity at company DSA in Aachen.
Phase 3 (documentation):
The results of the implementation are to be explained, documented and handed in.
It is beneficial for participants to study the lecture Applied Software Engineering within the Lifecycle of Automotive Electronics.
30.01.2018 - 01.02.2018
German or English
For questions concerning the registration please contact one of the Supervisors.
In addition to that, please register for the corresponding 6 CP lecture in the campus system.
It is not possible to switch a 3 CP lecture to a 6 CP lecture belatedly.