Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Christian Kirchhof

Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21311
Room 4315
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21311
Room 4315
Research Areas:

MontiThings is an architecture description language for rapid prototyping of Internet of Things applications. Available on GitHub!
Teaching at Chair of Software Engineering:
- Lecture Processes and Methods of Software Tests (Lecture TA) (Summer 2023)
- Lecture Software Language Engineering (Lecture TA) (Summer 2022)
- Practical Course Model-Driven Engineering of Smart Home Applications (Organizer) (Summer 2022)
- Lecture Der digitale Lebenszyklus von Fahrzeugen als Teil des Internet of Things (IoT) (Lecture TA) (Winter 2021/22)
- Practical Course Model-Driven Engineering of IoT Applications in Industry 4.0 Production Systems (Organizer) (Winter 2021/22)
- Lecture Der digitale Lebenszyklus von Fahrzeugen als Teil des Internet of Things (IoT) (Lecture TA) (Winter 2020/21)
- Practical Course Model-driven Software Engineering for Connected Vehicles (Organizer) (Winter 2020/21)
- Lecture Software Language Engineering (Lecture TA) (Summer 2020)
- Practical Course Software Engineering in IoT and Smart Home (Organizer) (Summer 2020)
- Lecture Applied Software Engineering within the life cycle of Automotive Electronics (Lecture TA) (Winter 2019/20)
- Lecture Software Language Engineering (Lecture TA) (Summer 2019)
Former teaching at RWTH Aachen University:
- Lecture Datenkommunikation und Sicherheit (Lab Tutor) (Summer 2017)
- Lecture Einführung in die Technische Informatik (Student Assistant) (Winter 2016/17)
- Lecture Datenkommunikation und Sicherheit (Lab Tutor) (Summer 2016)
- Lecture Einführung in die Technische Informatik (Student Assistant) (Winter 2015/16)
- Lecture Einführung in die Technische Informatik (Student Assistant) (Winter 2014/15)
[KGE+24b]Patent, Ford Global Technologies, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DE102021115220B4, Dec. 2024.
[KGE+24a]United States Patent, Ford Global Technologies, United States Patent and Trademark Office, US12106260B2, Oct. 2024.
[MBD+24]In: Journal of Infrastructure Intelligence and Resilience, Volume 3(3), DOI 10.1016/j.iintel.2024.100100, Elsevier, Sep. 2024.
[Kir24]In: Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering 2022: Practice Meets Foundations, E. Bodden, M. Felderer, W. Hasselbring, P. Herber, H. Koziolek, C. Lilienthal, F. Matthes, L. Prechelt, B. Rumpe, I. Schaefer (Eds.), pp. 45-71, DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-44412-8_3, Springer Cham, Mar. 2024.
[BGK+24]In: Science of Computer Programming, Volume 232, pp. 103033, DOI 10.1016/j.scico.2023.103033, Jan. 2024.
[HJK+23]In: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, pp. 194-207, SLE 2023, DOI 10.1145/3623476.3623527, Association for Computing Machinery, Cascais, Portugal, Oct. 2023.
[KJRW23]In: Modeling in Low-Code Development Platforms Workshop of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (LowCode), D. Di Ruscio, L. Lambers (Eds.), pp. 854-862, DOI 10.1109/MODELS-C59198.2023.00135, IEEE, Västerås, Sweden, Oct. 2023.
[KKLG23]Patent Application, Ford Global Technologies, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DE102021133576A1, Jun. 2023.
[Kir23]Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering, Band 54, ISBN 978-3-8440-8960-8, Shaker Verlag, Feb. 2023.
[KGE+22]Patent Application, Ford Global Technologies, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DE102021115220A1, Dec. 2022.
[BKK+22]In: Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 22), pp. 108-121, ACM, Dec. 2022.
[KKR+22]In: Journal ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, Volume 3, Art. 30, pp. 1-30, ACM, Nov. 2022.
[KKR+22a]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2022. Workshop MDE Intelligence, pp. 380-387, ACM, Oct. 2022.
[KMM+22]In: 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), pp. 374-381, IEEE, Sep. 2022.
[KKM+22]In: STAF 2022 Workshop Proceedings: 2nd International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MeSS 2022), Volume 3250, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Jul. 2022.
[HKK+22]In: 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’22), pp. 16-21, IEEE, Jun. 2022.
[KRS+22]In: Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), W.- K. Chan (Eds.), Volume 183, pp. 1-21, DOI 10.1016/j.jss.2021.111087, Elsevier, Jan. 2022.
[KMR21]In: Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 21), E. Tilevich, C. De Roover (Eds.), pp. 197-209, ACM, Oct. 2021.
[AKK+21]In: Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 21), E. Tilevich, C. De Roover (Eds.), pp. 55-68, ACM, Oct. 2021.
[KNS+21]In: Model-Based Engineering of Collaborative Embedded Systems, pp. 333-351, Springer, Jan. 2021.
[KMR+20]In: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pp. 90-101, ACM, Oct. 2020.
[KSG+20]In: Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM). Workshop CCNCPS., pp. 367-372, IEEE, Aug. 2020.
[KMR20]In: ENERGIEWENDEBAUEN - Forschungserkenntnisse von der Komponente bis zum Quartier, pp. 273-279, ISBN 978-3-948234-88-1, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, Jul. 2020.
[KRSW20]In: International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems, M. Cordy, M. Acher, D. Beuche, G. Saake (Eds.), ACM, Feb. 2020.
[DJK+19a]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2019. Workshop MDE4IoT, N. Ferry, A. Cicchetti, F. Ciccozzi, A. Solberg, M. Wimmer, A. Wortmann (Eds.), pp. 39-46, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Sep. 2019.
[KKRZ19]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2019. Workshop MASE, L. Burgueño, A. Pretschner, S. Voss, M. Chaudron, J. Kienzle, M. Völter, S. Gérard, M. Zahedi, E. Bousse, A. Rensink, F. Polack, G. Engels, G. Kappel (Eds.), pp. 28-37, IEEE, Sep. 2019.
[KKMR19]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2019. Workshop MLE, L. Burgueño, A. Pretschner, S. Voss, M. Chaudron, J. Kienzle, M. Völter, S. Gérard, M. Zahedi, E. Bousse, A. Rensink, F. Polack, G. Engels, G. Kappel (Eds.), pp. 331-338, IEEE, Sep. 2019.
In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’17), Singapore, Singapore, 5, 2017, ACM.