Lab Class: Smart Feedback Apps
Begin: t.b.a.
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe
- Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Kurpick
- Dipl.-Inform. Claas Pinkernell
- Dipl.-Inform. Markus Look
- Dipl.-Inform. Achim Lindt
Course ID: 12ss-06710

The topic of this lab class is the development of smart feedback applications in the context of the Energy Navigator software developed at the Software Engineering department at RWTH Aachen University. The Energy Navigator platform is a system for planning, monitoring and automatically analysing building and facility operation. Modern buildings are equipped with hundrets of sensors and smart meters producing mass data. Based on this information the operation of buildings and facilities can be evaluated and optimized.
The participants will develop smart feedback applications based on a given infrastructure. Facility managers need specific reporting apps that help them keep track of issues when they are visiting their real estates. Normally they do this with pen and paper. This analog issue list is then inserted in some electronic systems by the facility manager, so that other involved parties can react or work on these issues. Depending on the real estate projects there is not the possibility that one person can keep track of all issues or is responsible for the whole real estate. To support this process of issue tracking a specialized feedback app should be developed. Additionally this feedback infrastructure could be used for other projects in different domains, too, e.g. software development.In cooperation with real customers from industry concepts for innovative applications will be created regarding their requirements. An architectural design will be developed and the applications will be implemented as a prototype.
The implementation activities will be based on state of the art technologies like the J2EE infrastructure, Google Web Toolkit or Android/iOS. The implementation is done with an agile development process (eXtreme Programming) and with focus on quality assurance. Depending on the number of participants different applications will be implemented by smaller teams. The results will be presented to the customers.
Aims:- learn how specific software development processes work
- use tools and communication support for agile software development
- know which requirements for evolvable distributed software architectures must be considered
- learn how to implement software in a qualitative assured way
- practice important soft skills (communication, negotiation, agreements ...)
- gain experience with group-effects caused by team based development
- Software Engineering
- Programming skills (Java)
- Good English skills
Registration: Registration period will start soon. More information will be added betimes.
Schedule: Will be anounced later on. The lab course consists of regular meetings and a final presentation.
M. N. Fisch, M. Look, S. Plesser, C. Pinkernell and B. Rumpe
Der Energie-Navigator - Performance-Controlling für Gebäude und Anlagen.
Technik am Bau (TAB) - Fachzeitschrift für Technische Gebäudeausrüstung, 04/2011:36-41, bau verlag, March 2011. -
M. N. Fisch, S. Plesser, C. Pinkernell and B. Rumpe
Software für die energieoptimierte Betriebsführung von Gebäuden.
BINE Informationsdienst Projektinfo (ISSN 0937-8367), 14/10:1-4, October 2010. -
M. N. Fisch, S. Plesser, C. Pinkernell and B. Rumpe
Virtueller Prüfstand für Gebäude: Der Energie Navigator.
XIA Intelligente Architektur (ISSN 0949-2356), Vol. 73, 10-12/10:68-70, October 2010. -
N. M. Fisch, T. Kurpick, C. Pinkernell, S. Plesser and B. Rumpe
The Energy Navigator - A Web based Platform for functional Quality Mangement in Buildings
In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO' 10), Kuwait City, Kuwait, October 2010. -
G. Stevens, V. Pipek, and V. Wulf
Appropriation Infrastructure: Supporting the Design of Usages
In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD’09), Siegen, Germany, March 2009, pp. 50-69.
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