Innovationen im Software Engineering
ECTS Credits: 3Studentenkreis:
- Informatik (M.Sc.)/Software und Kommunikation
- Software Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)
- Software Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)/Practical Computer Science
- Software Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)/Areas of Specialization/Software Engineering
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe
Betreuender Assistent: Dipl.-Inform. Lars Hermerschmidt
Art der Veranstaltung: Vorlesung
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer: 14ss-40794
Aktuelle Informationen:
Requirement for the exam: Attend and fill out question forms for 12 lectures (not necessarily consecutive or all from one semester).
For the exam write a summary about the topic of one lecture 5-7 pages) using the LNCS LaTeX2e template. Send the summary via Email to and hand in a printed version to Lars Hermerschmidt.
Please hand in your summary until 8.9.2014 and take into account: If you have registered at ZPA and you have handed in at most 12 question sheets and do not hand in a summary the exam is counted as not passed. If you are registered for the exam and do not have 12 sheets, the attempt will not be counted.
Lecture is not offered this semester.
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