Lab Class: Development of a Condition/Action Language in context of RaspberryPi

Language:German or English (can be agreed upon)
Raum:Seminarraum Lehrstuhl Software Engineering (4312)
Beginn:will be announced
The goal of this lab is the development of a condition/action language as an extension of the Object Constraint Language/P (OCL/P) [1] and its integration into the Energy Navigator [2-5] developed at the Software Engineering department at RWTH Aachen University.
The Energy Navigator platform is a system for planning, monitoring and automatically analysing building and facility operation. Modern buildings are equipped with hundreds of sensors and smart meters producing mass data. Based on this information the operation of buildings and facilities can be evaluated and optimized. Energy Navigator is based on the JEE Stack and uses webservices for integration of particular modules.
The developed condition/action langue will be demonstrated on an example of data collection stations based on a RaspberryPi computer. RaspberryPi is a credit-card-sized ARM based general purpose computer. Through its low costs and energy efficiency it enables a new range of applications in multiple domains. A show case for the developed language would be outlier detection and constraint violation detection with subsequent action defined with the means of the means of the developed language and corresponding code generators. Aims:
Please inform yourself about the learning objectives in the “Modulhandbuch” (B.Sc.).
Raum:Seminarraum Lehrstuhl Software Engineering (4312)
Beginn:will be announced
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe
The goal of this lab is the development of a condition/action language as an extension of the Object Constraint Language/P (OCL/P) [1] and its integration into the Energy Navigator [2-5] developed at the Software Engineering department at RWTH Aachen University.
The Energy Navigator platform is a system for planning, monitoring and automatically analysing building and facility operation. Modern buildings are equipped with hundreds of sensors and smart meters producing mass data. Based on this information the operation of buildings and facilities can be evaluated and optimized. Energy Navigator is based on the JEE Stack and uses webservices for integration of particular modules.
The developed condition/action langue will be demonstrated on an example of data collection stations based on a RaspberryPi computer. RaspberryPi is a credit-card-sized ARM based general purpose computer. Through its low costs and energy efficiency it enables a new range of applications in multiple domains. A show case for the developed language would be outlier detection and constraint violation detection with subsequent action defined with the means of the means of the developed language and corresponding code generators. Aims:
- learn how specific software development processes work
- use tools and communication support for agile software development
- know which requirements for evolvable distributed software architectures must be considered
- learn how to implement software in a qualitative assured way
- practice important soft skills (communication, negotiation, agreements ...)
- gain experience with group-effects caused by team based development
- Lecture »Softwaretechnik«
- Lecture »Model based software development«
- Good Java skills
- Interest in web-based technologies, e.g. Java EE, embedded devices
- Registration under (Registration period 14.1.2014 - 26.1.2014)
Please inform yourself about the learning objectives in the “Modulhandbuch” (B.Sc.).
- [1] M. Schindler Eine Werkzeuginfrastruktur zur agilen Entwicklung mit der UML/P Shaker Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8440-0864-7. Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering Band 11. 2012.
- [2] M. N. Fisch, M. Look, S. Plesser, C. Pinkernell and B. Rumpe Der Energie-Navigator - Performance-Controlling für Gebäude und Anlagen. Technik am Bau (TAB) - Fachzeitschrift für Technische Gebäudeausrüstung, 04/2011:36-41, bau verlag, March 2011.
- [3] M. N. Fisch, S. Plesser, C. Pinkernell and B. Rumpe Software für die energieoptimierte Betriebsführung von Gebäuden. BINE Informationsdienst Projektinfo (ISSN 0937-8367), 14/10:1-4, October 2010.
- [4] M. N. Fisch, S. Plesser, C. Pinkernell and B. Rumpe Virtueller Prüfstand für Gebäude: Der Energie Navigator. XIA Intelligente Architektur (ISSN 0949-2356), Vol. 73, 10-12/10:68-70, October 2010.
- [5] N. M. Fisch, T. Kurpick, C. Pinkernell, S. Plesser and B. Rumpe The Energy Navigator - A Web based Platform for functional Quality Management in Buildings In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO' 10), Kuwait City, Kuwait, October 2010.
- Lecture »Softwaretechnik«
- Lecture »Model based software development«
- Good Java skills
- Interest in web-based technologies, e.g. Java EE, embedded devices
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