Lab Class: Model-based Development of Robotics Applications

Room: Seminar of Software Engineering (Room 4312)

Begin: The Date of the introductory meeting will be announced.


Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe
Supervising Assistants: Course Type: Laboratory

Course ID: 14ss-28940

Subject: Model-based Development of Robotics Applications

Robotics poses a challenge for software engineering as the vast numbers of different robot platforms impose different requirements on robot control architectures. The platform dependent development of robotic applications impedes reusability and portability. The lack of reusability hampers broad propagation of robotics applications.

The MontiArcAutomaton architecture and behavior modeling framework provides an integrated, platform independent structure and behavior modeling language with an extensible code generation framework. MontiArcAutomaton's central concept is encapsulation and decomposition known from Component & Connector Architecture Description Languages. This concept is extended from the modeling language to the code generation and target runtime framework to bridge the gap of platform specific and independent implementations along well designed interfaces. This facilitates the reuse of robot applications and makes their development more efficient.

This lab focuses on the development of a service robotics assistance system to solve logistics and guide&follow tasks. We use the MontiArcAutomaton modeling language on Robotino3 robots operated by the Robot Operating System (ROS). As Java is not as popular in robotics, we will develop the application using the Python programming language.

Registration and briefing Please give information about your experience (programming skills, attended lectures, lab courses, seminars).

  • Lecture »Softwaretechnik«
  • Principles of object-oriented design and programming
  • Interest in robotics
  • Helpful but optional: Python

Please extract information about the learning objectives from the “Modulhandbuch” (M.Sc.) and the respective module.
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