Software Engineering Seminar:
Architectures of Assistive Systems

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe
Supervising Assistants: Course Type: Seminar
Language(s): German, English
Course ID: TBA
Subject: Architectures of Assistive Systems
This seminar will give an insight into
different variants of system architectures for assistive systems.
Clearly, the system architecture varies dependent on the application domain
and its specific requirements.
Students will get an overview of different types of system architectures,
how to model such architectures, what requirements exist for
architectures in different application domains
as well as investigate reference architectures and
needed components regarding specific requirements.
The concrete application domain(s) can be chosen by the students.
For example, topics from the following application domains will be investigated:
- Health Care (e.g. smart insulin pump)
- Emergency Situations (e.g. apple watch detecting atrial fibrillation)
- Production Processes (e.g. augmented reality glasses)
- Personal Mobility (e.g. powered prostetic limbs)
- Automotive (e.g. lane departure warning system)
- Smart Homes and Personal Life (e.g. smart thermostat)
What you will learn:
- What types of system architectures exist?
- What requirements for system architectures of assistive systems exist?
- How to model architectures?
- What architectural patterns exist for assistive systems?
- Which architectural patterns for an assistive system exist in a certain software/domain?
- And clearly: To search for relevant literature, to write in a scientific style and to present your work to others
- Interest in system architectures and assistive systems
- The ability to abstract
Dates: (online attendance required)
- 7.4.2020, 9.00-11.30 (kick-off and introduction)
- 20.4.2020, 9.00-11.30 (discussion and topic assignment)
- 9.7.2020, 9.00-17.00 (final presentation)
- 10.7.2020, 9.00-11.00 (final presentation)
The four appointments of the course require online participation.
Individual meetings with your supervisor are also held online.