Lab Class: Model-Based Robotics Software Development
Intermediate Results
A robotic system of three distributed, collaborating robot was successfully able to fetch coffee from the chair's kitchen and delivered it to room 4304.
To achieve this, three robots had to be constructed and their software
had to be modeled using MontiArcAutomaton:
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Architecture of the navigation component | Behavior of the navigation component | Robot fecthing coffee (see Video for more) |
Video of the Coffee Delivery
The following video shows how the three robots interact to deliver coffee to an office.The floor markings were necessary due to hardware restrictions imposed by the Lego Mindstorms sensors.
Room: 4312 (seminar room at Software Engineering Department)
Begin: t.b.a.
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe
Course ID: t.b.a.

The topic of this lab class is the model-based development of robotics applications. Your aim will be to develop a vital coffee service robot using predefined modelling languages for both behavior and archtiecture, Java, and Lego Mindstorms. Therefore, the lab will be divided into at least two groups, which independently model, construct, implement, and evaluate their respective coffee service robot and the respective code generators.
During this lab, you will use
- the MontiArc architecture description language to model the overall system and how different software components are connected;
- the language of I/Oω-automata, which enables you to model the behaviour of single components;
- MontiCore to parse models defined in the above languages and to write a generator for Java code from them;
- leJOS or ROS to connect your code to the Lego Mindstorms Education Kit robots.
- learn how model-based software development works
- use tools and communication support for agile software development
- learn how to implement software in a qualitative assured way
- practice important soft skills (communication, negotiation, agreements ...)
- gain experience with group-effects caused by team based development
- Software Engineering
- Programming skills (Java)
- Good English skills
Registration period starts 18.06.2012 and ends 01.07.2012. Applications are directed to and assgined by the course guidance center.
Schedule:Will be anounced later on. The lab course consists of regular meetings and a final presentation.
A. Haber, J. O. Ringert, B. Rumpe
MontiArc - Architectural Modeling of Interactive Distributed and Cyber-Physical Systems
RWTH Aachen University, Technical Report. AIB-2012-03. February 2012. -
M. Schindler
Eine Werkzeuginfrastruktur zur agilen Entwicklung mit der UML/P
Shaker Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8440-0864-7.
Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering Band 11. 2012.
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