Lab Class: Model-based Development of Cloud-based Systems

Begin: 16.10.2013 14:00
Prof. Dr. Bernhard RumpeSupervising Assistants: Course Type: Laboratory
Course ID: 13ws-34428
SSELab Project MBSECloud-Lab
Subject: Model-based Development of Cloud-based Systems
Cloud-based systems provide web-based services on-demand to a multitude of heterogeneous clients through an easy-to-use interface. They bill their services on a pay-per-use basis and in potentially unlimited quantites.
Internally, they are driven by software that is built upon a complex stack of concepts and technologies (e.g. Enterprise Application Frameworks, NoSQL databases, Map/Reduce programming models) and runs on vast amounts of virtualized infrastructure. The current method of developing such software is complicated by a tight entanglement of business logic with non-functional requirements, like distribution, scalability, robustness, and security.
In this lab, we will develop a cloud-based system using the clArc toolkit. The clArc toolkit supports an architecture-centric, model-based, generative, and agile approach for the development of cloud-based software. The basic idea behind clArc is to address non-functional requirements on the level of system architecture and to separate them cleanly from business logic.
At its core, the clArc toolkit is based on an architecture style for distributed, interactive systems. To describe software in terms of that style, it provides various modeling languages that focus on particular relevant software architecture aspects and describe them distinctly, concisely, and on an appropriate level of abstraction. Combined with well-defined semantics and tool support, models of these languages can be executed and used continuously throughout the development process, from analysis and design, over implementation and testing, to maintenance and evolution.
Registration and briefing Please give information about your experience (programming skills, attended lectures, lab courses, seminars). Preconditions:
- Lecture »Softwaretechnik«
- Principles of object-oriented design and programming
- Interest in web-based technologies, e.g. Java EE, NoSQL databases
Please inform yourself about the learning objectives in the “Modulhandbuch” (M.Sc.).
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