Software Engineering Seminar:
Generated Information Systems
The use of generative approaches for the creation of information systems has increased in recent years.
In this seminar, the participants will systematically investigate approaches for model-based code-generation
for various kinds of information systems such as enterprise information systems (EIS), web applications,
data-intensive systems or assistive systems.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe
Supervising Assistants: Course Type: Seminar
Course ID: tbd
Language: de/en
The use of generative approaches for the creation of information systems has increased in recent years.
In this seminar, the participants will systematically investigate approaches for model-based code-generation
for various kinds of information systems such as enterprise information systems (EIS), web applications,
data-intensive systems or assistive systems.
In particular, topics from the following areas are offered:
- architecture of information systems
- generating web-systems vs. stand-alone applications
- (domain specific) data modelling (special features, reusability, common characteristics)
- behavior and task modeling
- modeling of interfaces, navigation and interaction
- reuse of provided models
- generator (configurability, modularization, ...)
- prototyping and testing
- generative approaches in industrial environments
- privacy aspects of (enterprise) applications
Interest in model-based software engineering and code generation.
Dates: (attendance required)
- 9.10.2019, 10-11.30, E1, 3rd floor, seminar room 4312 (kick-off)
- 20.1.2020, 9-14.30, E1, 3rd floor, seminar room 4312 (final presentations)
- 22.1.2020, 9-14.30, E1, 3rd floor, seminar room 4312 (final presentations)